We are tenants in only one part of the building. Can we register?

Publication: the 21/10/2019

When the entity that registers to the competition is a user of the building, it must occupy at least 80% of the leasable area of the building:

  • either directly by its own occupation,
  • or by bringing together various tenants to achieve occupancy of at least 80% of the area. In this case, the entity or primary user who participates in Cube, is able to present the consolidated consumption of all the tenants participating in the contest.

The tenants are more easily united by the owner or the user of the building (multi-tenant case): having enlisted at least 80% of the users of the building in the competition, the lessor or the user may register a building as they will be able to present the total consolidated consumption for the building (private and common areas) on a monthly basis for each of the types of energy used.

In terms of organising the competition, a single contact for the building will be necessary: lessor, or operator, or main user.